More than a million players in the US know that squash builds healthy bodies and strong communities.

The Healthiest SPort
Forbes Magazine dubbed squash the healthiest sport in 2003 -- taking into consideration the great cardiovascular workout, demands on flexibility, strength and low risk of injury. And, squash is social. Studies show that exercising with a partner leads to longer, more intense workouts and more sustained benefits than exercising alone.

Anyone Can Play
There is no perfect body type or age for squash players. Being tall or big, small or lithe don't confer particular advantage. Coaches of other sports will quip "you can't teach tall." Well, in squash, players of all sizes learn to use their physical attributes to their advantage on the court.
Young and old play squash. US Squash runs competitions for age divisions from under-11's to 80+ masters divisions.
Men and women can play and compete together. There is a single rating system in squash. Because it is not a contact sport and because size is not a particular advantage, men and women, adults and juniors, play with and compete against one another regularly in the sport.

Squash is Growing
United States has the fastest growing squash participation of any country worldwide. The most recent data from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) shows a remarkable 82% growth between 2007 and 2011 to more than 1.2 million players. Participation in junior squash events has increased 400% in the same period with more than 1,500 youngsters vying for national interscholastic championships annually
Adult players are engaged, passionate, and loyal. In a 2013 survey by US Squash, more than 90% of respondents play frequently, and 65% have played for more than 10 years.